The past 3 to 4 years has been spent working towards creating an artist collective which will start with my husband building clients and us getting our business liscense. Incorporating artists into the collective and working to show them and get them work. A big endevour, while we are living our lives.

Which in the past few years has included having a baby! So having said that not everything has gone exactly as planned. We have had roadblocks stumbling blocks and everything in between. But we want this, we want to do something we love and we want to use that to help artist and our community.

What does all this have to do with minimalism?

Not a lot or so I thought then I started to evaluate where this path has led my husband and I soon came to realize that we were doing exactly what minimalist’s are doing. We were getting rid of things that were not needed. Our move into our apartment created a huge PURGE of stuff. We both have been pursuing mental health and have paired down on people in our lives. Some are loved and brought closer others were lost because they were toxic or unhealthy. Our thought processes have even gone through de-cluttering!!

Now is the time to become as efficient as possible. To HAVE TIME to spend on the important things!!

We don’t want our free time to be spent cleaning and doing chores. We want that time spent with our son and on our business. Paring down on EVERYTHING clothes, dishes, and of course those lovely clutter shelves and drawers. It is a huge endeavor but it will SO be worth it….